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Our families have exhibited a common denominator which has been revealed since DNA testing: we sprang from the Norse lands of Europe, from the areas which were inhabited by the Vikings.  Both the Y-DNA and the mt-DNA have revealed this similarity in our genes (haplogroup I1 with the Ultra Norse Y-DNA gene I1-uN-13-15 ) found in our Lovett male line initially.  Then, due to a non-paternity event, we have discovered that lo and behold, we really have Webb genes in our blood!
We match scores of Webb males tested to some degree, but our one step mutation out of 67 markers is a Webb family from Virginia, and we are closely related to several others from Alabama, Georgia, and the Carolinas.  We have about 30 Webb males and 1 Lovett who are very closely related, and we are diligently working together to discover our common links.  Our Webb line definitely begins with my grandfather in the early 1880's.  This has now been proven with DNA testing.
View Descendants of John Webb

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