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Keeping data secure is a full-time job.

The biggest threat to your business isn’t an outside attacker—it’s unaware employees. All it takes is one employee accidentally clicking on a bad email or opening a malicious attachment for your entire business to be compromised.

Cybersecurity: Header
Cybersecuirty: Chart of What we Do

Real-Time Monitoring

Our IT experts update and monitor your network in real-time.

Secure Firewalls

Secure firewalls with 24/7 software updates and annual hardware replacements, so you’re always protected

Phishing Tests

You get regular phishing tests sent to every employee. This mitigates your biggest risk: human error.

CyberSOC Services

We leverage the technologies of the finest endpoint security and cyberSOC services in the business.

The Dark Web

We even alert you when one of your employee's emails ends up for sale on the dark web.

Internet Monitoring

Real-time monitoring of outbound Internet connections, making sure you’re actually going where you think you’re going online—and not to a malicious site.

Email Encryption

Email configuration services with optional encryption to lessen the chance of malicious emails reaching your inbox.

Endpoint Protection

Robust antivirus software and web security software scans keep you protected.

Data Breaches

Data security training should be part of your new employee onboarding, and staff should be retrained regularly.

Typing on a Computer
Cybersecurity: Data Breaches
Business Meeting

Security Training

The biggest weakness is inside your business. All it takes is one employee accidentally clicking on a bad email or opening a malicious attachment for your entire business to be compromised. PTG offers regular security training to keep your employees informed and vigilant.

Cyber Security Preparedness

We work with our customers to make sure they are properly protected against current threats.  Utilizing a zero-trust, multi-layered approach, we can mitigate most risks that you are likely to face.  Unfortunately, though, bad things will happen.  


As the FBI states: "It's not a matter of if you get hacked, but when."  Our IT team will work with you to prepare your business for disruption - and a plan to get you back on track.

Need a Security Audit?

Learn what specific vulnerabilities your company has and how you can keep your business safe.

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