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Privacy Policy

Palmetto Technology Group, Inc.

1. PTG collects information in different ways from Customers purchase services or products from us. We use this information primarily to provide a customized experience as you use our Services and, generally, do not share this information with third parties. However, we may disclose personal information collected if we have received your permission beforehand or in very special circumstances, such as when we believe that such disclosure is required by law or other special cases described below.


2. Customers are asked to provide certain information when they register for Services or buy Products from, by, or through PTG.  The information includes the company,  names of users within the company, mailing address, email addresses, telephone number, billing information (such as a credit card number), and the devices being used to access the Services. The information collected from Customers during the registration process is used to manage each Customer's account and to market products to the Customer offered by PTG.   This information is not shared with third parties, unless specifically stated otherwise or in special circumstances. PTG does not sell data to third parties


3. When Customers send email inquiries to PTG, the return email address is used to answer the email inquiry we receive. The Company does not use the return email address for any other purpose and does not share the return email address with any third party.  It is the Company's policy not to use or share the personal information about Customers in ways unrelated to the ones described above without also providing you an opportunity to opt out or otherwise prohibit such unrelated uses. PTG currently uses  HubSpot for certain forms.  Hubspot does attach cookies.  Their policy can be found here.  However, the Company may disclose information about Visitors or Customers, or information regarding your use of the Services or Web sites accessible through our Services, if for any reason in our sole discretion, we believe that it is reasonable to do so, including: to satisfy laws, such as the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, regulations, or governmental or legal requests for such information; to disclose information that is necessary to identify, contact, or bring legal action against someone who may be violating our Acceptable Use Policy or other user policies; to operate the Services properly; or to protect the Company and our Customers.


4. We may use information gathered about you from to help diagnose problems with our equipment or software. We also gather demographic information from this data to market products to you.  


5. It is our policy to comply with all applicable laws and to never solicit any products or services to a child under age 13 or to collect any data form any child under age 13. 


6. PTG and its partner/vendors have security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse, and alteration of the information under our control. While we make every effort to ensure the integrity and security of our network and systems, we cannot guarantee that our security measures will prevent third-party "hackers" from illegally obtaining this information.


7. Trial users of a software product may fill out an online form from Microsoft or from another vendor.  PTG collects such data as provided from that vendor and complies with that vendor’s privacy policy as well as the terms of this policy. Unless you explicitly grant delegated administration rights to us, we cannot view any of the data stored in your trial, nor may we remove our association on your behalf.  Specifically, in the case of Microsoft Cloud trials (such as Office 365, Azure, Dynamics 365, or Microsoft 365), you may remove our association with your subscription at any time via the associated Administration Center in the Microsoft software product.  We may also receive billing information, product usage statistics, or other subscription data from the software vendor.  We only use this information to support your use of the product or service.

8. If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or the practices described herein, you may contact: 


The Company reserves the right to revise, amend, or modify this policy, and our other policies and agreements at any time and in any manner. Notice of any revision, amendment, or modification will be posted.

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